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Modular Fragmented Packaged Ice Machines: MCLA
The Turbo Products MCLA (Modular C line Ammonia) uses a water defrost, water pre-chill and hot gas for the defrost harvest cycle. Individual modules produce 13 to 19 tons per day of 1/4” to 1/2” fragmented ice which is dry to touch and immediately ready to package or use. These modules can be assembled in a programmed sequenced array with a master panel to produce ice over 250 tons per day.
How does the C-Line Ice Machine work?
The Turbo MCLA Ice maker is a series of stainless steel laser plates welded together to form internal passages for the flow of refrigerant. Plates are grouped vertically with ice forming on one side of each plate. At predetermined intervals, water flows on the back side of the plate causing the ice to harvest. The ice discharges in 1/4” to 1/2” fragmented pieces which are dry to touch and immediately ready to package or use.
Modular configurations to match capacity requirements
Single master control panel provides network accessibility
Low maintenance costs
Consistent capacity available through plate configuration
Fragmented Ice Machine Animation
Single Modular with End Panel Kit
Modular Skid Package (4)
MCLA Brochure
Turbo MCLA Individual modules produce 13 to 19 tons per day of 1/4” to 1/2” fragmented ice which is dry to touch and immediately ready to package or use. These modules can be assembled in a programmed sequenced array with a master panel to produce ice over 250 tons per day.
Cooling medium
Ammonia Operation (Liquid Recirculated)
Power Options
Voltage - 230V or 460V, 3PH, 60Hz Power
Voltage - 120V, 1PH, 60Hz Controls
Allen Bradley Micrologix PLC
Stainless Steel Front and Rear Panels
Stainless Steel Evaporator Piping
Stainless Steel Upper and Lower Frame
Voltage - 400V, 3PH, 50Hz Power
Voltage - 575V, 3PH, 60Hz Power
End Panel Kit
AB Ethernet Interface Module
Split Crating for Container/LTL Loading
Canadian Registration Number (CRN)
Export crating (ISPM-15 Rated)
Automation Direct PLC
R/S Control Valves
Base Frames / Headers for Skidding up to 6 Modules
Master Panels for Control of up to 18 Modules
Hot Gas/Liquid Strainer/Defrost Pressure Regulator Kit